Shoe Lace Gift Buying Guide
Besides actual sneakers, shoe laces are one of the best gifts you can give a sneaker-head and we happen to make the best ones! Here is a guide so you know which types of shoe laces to buy for the different types of sneaker-heads as well as some shoe laces that make a great gift for anyone who likes to look cool. The shoe lace is the most underrated accessory of all time.
Our Jordan replacement laces are the best on the market and they come in tons of different colors. These are perfect for anyone with multiple pairs of Jordans that wants a way to make them stand out from everyone else's pair and the swap box is the best way to get a lot of options at a great price.

These cotton shoe laces are my personal favorites, they literally look good on everything. They are a unique high quality shoe lace that adds a premium vintage touch to any sneaker they grace. They come in nice neutral tones as well as vibrant pastel colors. These are perfect for dunks, air forces, Jordans and pretty much everything.
These laces went viral on our Tiktok and for good reason, they are FLASHY. We sold out instantly when they first dropped and people love them, they are well built and look amazing in person. They are not real diamonds of course but they look great on tons of shoes and anyone who likes to stick out with their outfits choices will love them.
These just might be our most unique shoe laces. Our cozy laces are made of high quality boucle fabric and instantly turn any sneaker into a head turner. The sail color is crispy and the laces are very durable.
The vintage look blew up this year and these are the perfect laces to match that aesthetic. Each pair is hand dyed and no two pairs are the same. They look best on Jordans and dunks.
These shoe laces turn any pair of sneakers into a slip on. They are perfect for runners, kids, or anyone who is too lazy to tie their shoes haha. The laces are elastic but still strong enough to maintain the mid-foot support that shoe laces provide in running shoes.